Tuesday, May 17, 2011

faulkner I

 (click to see better with eyeballs):This has a really long, long explanation behind it, and honestly, if you've never read and Faulkner, it isn't in the least bit funny.  Basically, my University is falling to pieces in every sense of the phrase when it comes to our Fine Arts Departments.  Instead of blaming this on our alumni only donating to the Engineering Departments, I'm blaming it on Faulkner, the man I wrote my senior thesis about.

On the up-side, Sinaed tells me that the vending machines in the English building are far cheaper than those in the Department of Sciences. That's a thing, right? But wait, there's more! I also learned from this comic that "As I Lay Dying" isn't just the name of an amazing Metal/Hardcore band- apparently, it's a book, also! I wonder if they ever made that into a movie...

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