Saturday, June 25, 2011


Well we had a few complaints about the formatting of my comics, as in, at first glance, they are unreadable.  I knew this, but because I was simply uploading old comics I had digitized, I figured you could just click to download the originals and read them as such. 
Well, apparently that's just not professional.  Being that this is my first attempt at internet-comic-ing, I would like to apologize.  While it isn't inherently difficult to click on an image, one time, it is still not as "pretty" as a comic blog should be.

With that being said.

From Henceforth,

My comics will be created specifically to "fit" this blog.  I am also considering scanning my pen-and-paper originals because, let's be honest, my skills on Paint are shoddy at best.  I'm not a terribly good artist either way but I genuinely have no clue how to "art" on a computer.  If anyone wants to offer me lessons, or apply for a position, I will be happy to cooperate. 
So, this is our new format!  I'd like to thank for the awesome upload of the old school Sensation Comic cover I've chosen for our page.  I absolutely love old comic book covers, and will occasionally post some with the url of where I found the media upload.  These in no way reflect any personal work I have done, nor do I take any credit for them.  Many were done before I was born.  So there.

This one was found at

Thank you.  More posts to come soon.


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Oi there! Not a post, sadly...

However, good news, for all four of you whom actually read this!

Attack! is updating it's format and other things to be viewed on your fancy electronic screens!

It should happen, erm, soonish?


Friday, June 10, 2011

In defense of the E-Reader...

I understand my wonderful and amazing sister's hatred of such a device. It's an easy side to pick because reading a book is entirely an immersive experience, to whit the tactile sensation of page turning, or even the musty smell of an old volume complete a truly and remarkably joyous sensation. I understand the plight of the bibliophile, because at heart, I am one.

I am also however a humanitarian, and right now devices such as the Kindle make education a much stronger possibility for nearly every country on the planet, to include our own. I won't get into the statistics (unless you want me to) of the costs for text books, and how such industries react, but in truth a simple E-reader with text on demand documentation IS the answer to so many problems, to include lack of not just current textbooks, but text books in general in places such as American Indian reservations. It comes down to simple math: e-reader devices will save our future generations from illiteracy, and hopefully grant them the education and critical thinking skills to make strong decisions for the future, weather from the ability to now enter a trade school, or simply being able to read the Qur'an, and understand that the tribal warlord in front of you is not quoting scripture, but his own agenda, and to choose not to follow him.

This all goes without getting into the conversation of what it means for self-publishers, which allow the amazing art of literature to begin to spread in much the same way that the digital recording revolution has for musicians. Want to argue this point? Fine, throw away everything by Anathallo, The Dresden Dolls, The Paper Chase, The Decemberists, Minus The Bear, Aesop Rock, Deltron, and The Flobots as well as many, many other musicians and musical acts that simply would not exist as they do today without this medium becoming available to everyone in an electronic format. I honestly cannot wait to see what new and brilliant authors await our discovery now that /anyone/ can self-publish for virtually no cost.

That being said, when I win the lottery, I will still sit in my den wearing a smoking jacket surrounded by all my leather-bound first editions rubbing my hands together and cackling whilst drinking bourbon.


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

internet advice (percentages) I:

Because I love you all, and you need to have a quick reference tool for these sorts of things.



Probably female, sexually secure but a little on the shy side. Possibly sweet-natured but with a tendency toward prudishness.

Safe zone. Male or female, good sense of humor and outgoing personality.

%25- 60
“Bro,” never female.

“Dominatrix,” never male.

Someone you want to get to know a little bit better, but never give your address to.

Not terribly interested in blogging at all.

Conscientious human being, probably a fairly cool person with a realistic personality and self-esteem.

Obnoxious asshole.


Typical person.

Vapid idiot.


Shallow, boring, possibly really tan.

Probably really likes sports.

Your dream girl, or dream boy, regardless of the books listed.

Fucking liar (librarians excluded).

Sunday, June 5, 2011

the kindle series:

So I'm about to take the next couple of weeks spending some time slandering Kindle, and it's not because Kindle killed books, but because people who use Kindles killed books.

This series has a tendency to upset small children or trendy hipsters, or a large percentage of awesome people I consider good friends. So I feel there's some need to explain exactly why I hate Kindle so much, and exactly why it is that no matter how awesome you tell me it is, and how bad publishing companies are, and how blah blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah Kindle is blah, I'll laugh in your face and say, sorry, it's just not for me. So here's why, or at least here is a haiku version of why.

When you looked at me

And held out Dostoyevsky

My heart was complete.

Anyway, if you disagree with me, that's okay. I don't mind. I have some pretty radical and largely unfair and unjustifiable opinions.

Just try and see the funny in them?
