The act of maliciously, humorously, and other adverbs too, having good natured fun with the mundane, and things we wish were much simpler. Like relationships, technology, and rhetoric. Enjoy us.
When I was in high school, I had this complicated system of "social points" that I paid close attention to on a daily basis. For a while I thought that sort of obsessive self-depreciating madness was an expression of my deep seated need to be accepted by all. And I also thought I was crazy for ever thinking in those kinds of terms anyway, UNTIL-- I saw a Simpson's episode where Milhouse references "losing two social points," or something along those lines, and, consequentially, I knew I was not alone, but more importantly, my crazy was validated.
Ha! Not only validating crazy, but validating a particularly low point of my life. I drew that comic on the napkin when a girl asked if she could write her number on it. I responded with "Um, I need it for my comic." I am officially lame.
Dear Brother,
ReplyDeleteWhen I was in high school, I had this complicated system of "social points" that I paid close attention to on a daily basis. For a while I thought that sort of obsessive self-depreciating madness was an expression of my deep seated need to be accepted by all. And I also thought I was crazy for ever thinking in those kinds of terms anyway, UNTIL-- I saw a Simpson's episode where Milhouse references "losing two social points," or something along those lines, and, consequentially, I knew I was not alone, but more importantly, my crazy was validated.
Cheers to validating crazy.
Ha! Not only validating crazy, but validating a particularly low point of my life. I drew that comic on the napkin when a girl asked if she could write her number on it. I responded with "Um, I need it for my comic." I am officially lame.