"Me (Bella. She's the flower.) and T.J. have an idea and we're going to go to the movie theaters! To see a great movie!"
"Sarah likes to dance, like a tooth. Patrick (the ghost) likes to dance with Sarah!"
"The Vampire Girl (???) likes to dance, too!"
"P.S. Yes, she found out how to dance!"
This week's guest comic author (Oh, I forgot. I'm doing guest artist/comics! Send me yo' stuff!) is my six-year-old little sister, Issabella. She saw me working on the one for next week (Hint: it has something to do with a light-bulb!) and wanted to draw as well. I would write more about the experience, but she really, really wants to watch Superman and Wonder Woman on my computer, so I'll have to cut this one short.
Bella wants you all to know that she is now famous.