Friday, November 18, 2011

Guest Artist: Issabella (It's time to dance!)

"Me (Bella. She's the flower.) and T.J. have an idea and we're going to go to the movie theaters! To see a great movie!"

"Sarah likes to dance, like a tooth. Patrick (the ghost) likes to dance with Sarah!"

"The Vampire Girl (???) likes to dance, too!"

"P.S. Yes, she found out how to dance!"

This week's guest comic author (Oh, I forgot. I'm doing guest artist/comics! Send me yo' stuff!) is my six-year-old little sister, Issabella. She saw me working on the one for next week (Hint: it has something to do with a light-bulb!) and wanted to draw as well. I would write more about the experience, but she really, really wants to watch Superman and Wonder Woman on my computer, so I'll have to cut this one short. 


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