Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Post Breakup: New Orleans


  1. Dear Brother,

    When I was in high school, I had this complicated system of "social points" that I paid close attention to on a daily basis. For a while I thought that sort of obsessive self-depreciating madness was an expression of my deep seated need to be accepted by all. And I also thought I was crazy for ever thinking in those kinds of terms anyway, UNTIL-- I saw a Simpson's episode where Milhouse references "losing two social points," or something along those lines, and, consequentially, I knew I was not alone, but more importantly, my crazy was validated.

    Cheers to validating crazy.



  2. Ha! Not only validating crazy, but validating a particularly low point of my life. I drew that comic on the napkin when a girl asked if she could write her number on it. I responded with "Um, I need it for my comic." I am officially lame.
