Thursday, December 1, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
Sibling rivalry:
You know, I think that most siblings born within ten years of each other go through this decade long phase of arguing with each other incessantly over absolutely nothing. This period serves several purposes:
1. It proves which sibling is better.
2. It drives parents, cousins, friends, pets, furniture crazy.
3. It gets useless arguing out of your system.
Sometimes, siblings just don't have this sort of "rivalry" while growing up together. Lots of factors can influence this--your parents' marital status, your school life, your extended family, the growing availability of internet, etc. In the instance of my brother and I, all of the above factors kept a sort of distance between us that bred fondness for the others' company, a fondness that is rare between younger siblings.
But we aren't young anymore, now, are we?
Don't get me wrong. My bro is my favorite dude on the planet. Literally. He's amazing. And so when we decided, hey, we should live together, it seemed like THE. BEST. IDEA.
Hindsight is 20/20.
There is no one I would rather live with, and I mean that, honest. But I'm starting to think that maybe because we missed that nice little decade worth of horrible fighting and bickering and hair-pulling and going na-na-na-nu boo- boo at one another, we are swiftly reentering a second childhood where proximity has forced us into an uncomfortable tense phase of "relearning" who and what we are, and what we mean to each other.
This has been rewarding in a lot of ways. One, I'm really learning what it means to have someone in my ADULT life related to me by blood who I trust implicitly and know will take care of me and love me no matter what. I've really got this horrible fear that all the love I experience with the exception of my best friend, dad, and mom, is conditional. Finding this awesome dude who has orbited my life but rarely directly influenced it has been an amazing experience over the past few years. We've lived together now for three months and all the pluses are great. Some of the minuses though can be rough. Admittedly, it's mostly my fault. I tend to nit pick with the bro for no reason at all. He is tolerant of it. But sometimes, he intentionally antagonizes me to combat my bitchy, cynical nature. The below comics are demonstrations of actual events. Enjoy.
"If you give me snacks I'll reward you by no longer invading your personal space!" -Teej
1. It proves which sibling is better.
2. It drives parents, cousins, friends, pets, furniture crazy.
3. It gets useless arguing out of your system.
Sometimes, siblings just don't have this sort of "rivalry" while growing up together. Lots of factors can influence this--your parents' marital status, your school life, your extended family, the growing availability of internet, etc. In the instance of my brother and I, all of the above factors kept a sort of distance between us that bred fondness for the others' company, a fondness that is rare between younger siblings.
But we aren't young anymore, now, are we?
Don't get me wrong. My bro is my favorite dude on the planet. Literally. He's amazing. And so when we decided, hey, we should live together, it seemed like THE. BEST. IDEA.
Hindsight is 20/20.
There is no one I would rather live with, and I mean that, honest. But I'm starting to think that maybe because we missed that nice little decade worth of horrible fighting and bickering and hair-pulling and going na-na-na-nu boo- boo at one another, we are swiftly reentering a second childhood where proximity has forced us into an uncomfortable tense phase of "relearning" who and what we are, and what we mean to each other.
This has been rewarding in a lot of ways. One, I'm really learning what it means to have someone in my ADULT life related to me by blood who I trust implicitly and know will take care of me and love me no matter what. I've really got this horrible fear that all the love I experience with the exception of my best friend, dad, and mom, is conditional. Finding this awesome dude who has orbited my life but rarely directly influenced it has been an amazing experience over the past few years. We've lived together now for three months and all the pluses are great. Some of the minuses though can be rough. Admittedly, it's mostly my fault. I tend to nit pick with the bro for no reason at all. He is tolerant of it. But sometimes, he intentionally antagonizes me to combat my bitchy, cynical nature. The below comics are demonstrations of actual events. Enjoy.
"If you give me snacks I'll reward you by no longer invading your personal space!" -Teej
Friday, November 18, 2011
Guest Artist: Issabella (It's time to dance!)
"Me (Bella. She's the flower.) and T.J. have an idea and we're going to go to the movie theaters! To see a great movie!"
"Sarah likes to dance, like a tooth. Patrick (the ghost) likes to dance with Sarah!"
"The Vampire Girl (???) likes to dance, too!"
"P.S. Yes, she found out how to dance!"
This week's guest comic author (Oh, I forgot. I'm doing guest artist/comics! Send me yo' stuff!) is my six-year-old little sister, Issabella. She saw me working on the one for next week (Hint: it has something to do with a light-bulb!) and wanted to draw as well. I would write more about the experience, but she really, really wants to watch Superman and Wonder Woman on my computer, so I'll have to cut this one short.
great movie,
guest comic,
Monday, November 14, 2011
Sarah 1.
![]() | ||
So at the advice of my good friend, Natxtron, I will be continuing to utilize the venerable sketchbook-and-cell-phone-camera method that I've worked so fiercely to bring into the realm of artistic legitimacy.
OK, well maybe not "fiercely" per say; more like "I'm too poor to afford a scanner, and to pre-occupied to go break into MCA and use theirs." That about sums it up correctly. So far, the method for transferring images sort of works, and with my pro-software (ie: iphoto) I can usually make them somewhat readable. Generally speaking my biggest problem is trying to find an angle to snap them at the doesn't include the shadow of my thumbs, or forearms.
That and my damn cellphone wants to argue with me about weather or not I've pushed the button to take the photo or not. I'm sure my neighbor enjoys my ranting "Don't give me any more lip! Take the damn photo!" to the small electronic device which is constantly finding new and improved ways to subtly control my life.
So, I need advice on layout still. Should I change the color/appearance of the blog itself? Words under the pics, or in the frames? There will be more experimentation, perhaps, as I continue the arc of Sarah's Secret Origin!
PS: Big shout out to Patrick for his help with the whole picture/ink advice thingie!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
> I'm going to bed.
> Lonely.
I miss you, too. <
> <3
Don't worry, soon I'll be <
around to hold you until
you fall asleep.
> Heartmelt.
Aww, you can have mine. <3 <
> Nonono! I'll break it!
I'm not worried; these days I just get <
plastic ones.
In bulk. <
> Lonely.
I miss you, too. <
> <3
Don't worry, soon I'll be <
around to hold you until
you fall asleep.
> Heartmelt.
Aww, you can have mine. <3 <
> Nonono! I'll break it!
I'm not worried; these days I just get <
plastic ones.
In bulk. <
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
True Story.
So I really need to get a scanner. Maybe photoshop as well, or at least a clue as to how we should actually make these wacky comics. While I'm at it, I could use a clue as to how "dating" works again.
I swear that I had this down, back in high school... (Ahh, the 90's. How I miss my long hair, terrible skater punk, rap-rock, and abstract 3-D trapper keeper illustrations. Wait, no. No. It was "Hammer Pants " that I missed. Sorry, moving on.) There was a time-honored and highly efficant system set in place that we all would adhere to:
First, you would go out on a date. (Usually this meant holding hands in the Library, and sitting next to each other at events. I went to a performing arts high school, so most of us were too busy with after school activities to actually do anything fun.)
Next, if you went out on more "dates", you could be considered "dating". (Congratulations! Now you're skipping lunch, and making out under the stairwell.) "Dating" was more of a casual thing, though in all honesty, very few people played this up because back then after about a week of this (A week? They've been dating fooooorever!) you jumped into:
Going Steady. This was a big deal- you got to throw the BF/GF word around like you were cool, because honestly, back then it was pretty cool. Generally speaking, this also meant that you got to put your hand up a shirt, which back then was a fairly big deal. Just sayin'. This would continue on for a couple of weeks (or sometimes longer) until one of you decided it was time to go "date" someone else. This usually corresponded with a class schedule thing. (I'm sorry, baby. The distance thing just isn't working out.)
Now-a-days everything is all different and confusing. No one wants to put labels on anything. No one wants to define an emotion, because it isn't "cool", or "free", or whatever bullshit you want to throw out there in order to make slutting around sound hip and socially acceptable. You see the thing is this: we aren't just making out under the stair well anymore, and relationships aren't a month with the big climax being you got to second-and-a-half-base. People become intimate, get attached, form heavy emotional opinions of each other, and then have to deal with the consequences. Then they try to pretend this isn't happening.
There are consequences to this sort of behavior; the easy and obvious ones are the risk of immediate physical repercussions, ie: sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy, jealous ex-lovers assaulting your new fling with scissors, etc. The less obvious are the issues with self-esteem, placing value on your use, or ability to be used by others, and the need for approval and validation that may seems socially acceptable right now, but in reality, is mostly only that way because people are pretending it's so for their own social agenda. (Usually this is to validate their desire to get into your pants. If you're OK with that, than so be it, but don't try to dress it up as anything other than what it is.)
Think about it, for observable/recorded human history, as well as anthropological human history, we've been pairing up like it's cool. Because it is. Weather you believe from a spiritual standpoint that we were created to function in this manner, or you look at the overwhelming majority of cultures that have existed since, well, we have- this learned behavior is present for a reason. A very good one. Simply put, "banging' around town" (to borrow a phrase from Baconista) has consequences, usually not very good.
Does that mean that you shouldn't test the waters? Experiment a bit? Conduct a sampling mode of the target demographic, and extrapolate the qualities that you're looking for based on sound logic and experimentation? Certainly not! (Says, I, at least.) It's just that it seems, well, tricky. How do you accomplish this in a responsible manner, and not wind up unnecessarily standing in someone else's Kool-Aid?
Time, I think, may be the answer. All too often we feel the need to rush from one relationship, to another, even if it's a serious of micro-encounters, because we're too afraid of being left alone with our own emotions and problems to solve. It's so much easier to pack them all into a shoe-box, tape it shut, and bury it in your closet while making room for your new lover's things. Even if it's only a week, a month, or a couple of hours. This, simply put, isn't healthy, and you're only doomed to repeat your mistakes over and over again until you learn to face, and resolve them.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm sorry, random goth chick from Saturday's Halloween party; I don't care how hot you are, I am not your exit strategy.
bangin' around town,
combo breaker,
going steady,
goth chicks,
high school,
true story
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Welcome Home.
I'm back! It's been a bit, having spent some time at Alchemy: The Georgia Burn. (For more info on Alchemy go here: for more information on Burns in general, such as Burning Man, go here: It was a much needed week spent with amazing people (mutants, the lot of them) and recharged my batteries to a degree that I cannot even begin to thank them for. In the meantime, however, it appears that things were afoot.
Regardless of your party line, or cultural demographic, the majority of Americans have been highly vocal in their displeasure with our current financial industry/system, and those whom have profited from the shortfalls our economy has faced. While I was gone, it appears that things were coming to ahead in the forms of protests and demonstrations in many major cities across our wonderful nation, the first (that I am currently aware of) being in New York City, New York. The title of the synchronized protests, "Occupy Wallstreet" denotes the origin and location of the original. For more information on this, please go here:
For the viewpoint of the original protestors, please visit here:
Now, as a member of the Armed Forces, I am not legally allowed to publicly endorse any political movement in a manner in which it would appear as if said movement were endorsed by the Armed Forces. However, I am not prevented from appearing at peaceful assemblies, as long as I do not do so in uniform. As a result, I will be participating in every fashion that does not violate the Uniformed Code of Military Justice, or the rights, freedoms, or safety of American Citizens, and those that are visiting this amazing land. I am also not prohibited from sharing hyperlinks with you, my tens of readers, and as such, will do so now:
Please, please, please read and become informed to the best of your knowledge. Don't just take someone else's word on this matter (I hate to point this out, but that's how predatory lending practices work; on the lack of understanding of the borrower.), do the research yourself, and learn what really happened. We cannot begin to move forward until we understand what was pulling us back in the first place.
Burning Man,
Occupy Memphis,
Occupy Wall Street,
Welcome Home
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Post Breakup: Day 2
As opposed to spending the evening with my good friends whom care a great deal about me, I've decided that it was more important to hole up in my house, drink excessively, and experience mobs of people sapping up my cellphone's bandwidth, and ability to do such mundane things as make and receive calls.
You know, like an adult.
After temporarily abating my new-found fear of the interwebs with booze, I've come up with today's running tally of my stats. Perhaps the increase in strength will pay off in tomorrow's P.T. session at drill.
Strength: 3
Dexterity: 0
Constitution: -2
Intelligence: -2
Wisdom: -2
Charisma: 1
Friday, September 9, 2011
Post Breakup: Day 1
The first day after the breakup of any significant relationship essentially reduces all of your "stats" to zero. (For reference as to what I'm referring to, see here: ) It's a harrowing, soul-crushing experience, weather you were the instigator, or recipient, and regardless of you being "right" or "wrong" in your actions. Even if it's actually for the best, it never feels as if it is, and at the end of the day, you've both lost the person you love. It renders you as effective as a newborn infant. (To see just how useful that is, check here: )
From day one, you begin to slowly rebuild your statistics, a metaphysical representation of your own ego and perceived usefulness in the known universe. These are, in general, accomplished by the completion of mundane adult tasks, that now become arduous and impossible because every little scent, color, or small, perky fold in the sheets somehow reminds you of your former lover. Even simply putting on boxers can become challenging "Ahh, boxers. I remember once how she told me she prefers I wear them..." Often times this is accomplished by pretending to everyone around you that you're some sort of stalwart rebound sex-robot, with booze for blood and none of those pesky regrets for your obviously correct and necessary decision. This is good, because if they actually lift up the curtain to see the vulnerable, terrified, and still hopelessly love-stricken loser you actually are, they're sure to mock you. (As well they should, pussy.)
For SCIENCE! I will be logging my progress in such activities, and will keep a running tally of my player statistics from today until this segment is no longer amusing to me.
Strength: 0
Dexterity: 0
Constitution: -2
Wisdom: 1
Intelligence: 0
Charisma: 1
A.D. and D.,
advanced dungeons and dragons,
online posts,
Thursday, August 11, 2011
The Kill
This comic is an homage of sorts to "The Kill" by The Dresden Dolls. Fantastic song, if you have yet to hear it. After all, they fought the British- and they won.
Amanda Palmer,
awful drawing,
Dresden Dolls,
terrible homages,
The British,
The Kill,
vaguely funny
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Hipsters I
To be fair, I have Hipsters to thank for bringing an economic force to the many things I love and have enjoyed for decades, but until recent interested, were underfunded. I'm not the sort whom is particularly impressed by how underground or obfuscated something is, and as a result take enjoyment when my favorite band grows in popularity. As a result, I bear this demographic no ill will, other than the fact that it took them so damn long to catch on to all these spiffy things! Speaking of which, go listen to Anathallo (Start with "Sparrows"). Do it right now before you forget, and if you have something spiffy to share with me, then by all means!
Friday, August 5, 2011
Soup would be nice.
My sister recently asked me to do a comic. I'm not entirely sure what she had in mind, nor am I ready to implement this “grand idea” I've been tossing around that will rely so heavily upon photoshoppe type programs, but hey, I figured I'd give it a shot. More to the point, since most of the subjects we discuss are so cynical, it seemed a positive note couldn't hurt. Couple of things to take into account, however:
- Despite the massive amounts of awesome ideas I have for other people's comics, I rarely have any of my own.
- I cannot draw.
Not to worry however, because cute, awkward things are what's “in” on the interwebs right now. Thank God for this because not only do I find them personally entertaining, but I just don't have the time at current to improve my lack of ability to scribble lines across paper. Or do I..?
The other benefit to this is that all of the various ideas I've been wanting to try equate to entirely plausible, and enjoyable. This is quite a relief since, to myself at least, the purpose of this exists to vent unto the world, and while I'm down for entertaining anyone whom reads of our particular neurosis, I'm not sure I wish to expand beyond an audience of, oh, I don't know, 11.
Why? Well, it's simple. I'm a genuinely crazy fuck who has a hard time puzzling out the motives of other human beings. I just want to help people, and not explode, and don't understand why everyone else isn't driven by these two ideals either. Whenever the latter does not occur, I count this as a “good day”, because in my little scorebook it allows me to rack up significantly more tics than the previous system, in which days when I was crippled by rage, distrust, and paranoia for even a couple of hours, I marked as a “bad day”. Yesterday would have been counted as one of those. So now while this data is significantly less helpful to whatever individual might make good use of it, it sure makes me feel a hell of a lot better.
And now I want pho.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Well we had a few complaints about the formatting of my comics, as in, at first glance, they are unreadable. I knew this, but because I was simply uploading old comics I had digitized, I figured you could just click to download the originals and read them as such.
Well, apparently that's just not professional. Being that this is my first attempt at internet-comic-ing, I would like to apologize. While it isn't inherently difficult to click on an image, one time, it is still not as "pretty" as a comic blog should be.
With that being said.
From Henceforth,
My comics will be created specifically to "fit" this blog. I am also considering scanning my pen-and-paper originals because, let's be honest, my skills on Paint are shoddy at best. I'm not a terribly good artist either way but I genuinely have no clue how to "art" on a computer. If anyone wants to offer me lessons, or apply for a position, I will be happy to cooperate.
So, this is our new format! I'd like to thank for the awesome upload of the old school Sensation Comic cover I've chosen for our page. I absolutely love old comic book covers, and will occasionally post some with the url of where I found the media upload. These in no way reflect any personal work I have done, nor do I take any credit for them. Many were done before I was born. So there.
This one was found at
Thank you. More posts to come soon.
Well, apparently that's just not professional. Being that this is my first attempt at internet-comic-ing, I would like to apologize. While it isn't inherently difficult to click on an image, one time, it is still not as "pretty" as a comic blog should be.
With that being said.
From Henceforth,
My comics will be created specifically to "fit" this blog. I am also considering scanning my pen-and-paper originals because, let's be honest, my skills on Paint are shoddy at best. I'm not a terribly good artist either way but I genuinely have no clue how to "art" on a computer. If anyone wants to offer me lessons, or apply for a position, I will be happy to cooperate.
So, this is our new format! I'd like to thank for the awesome upload of the old school Sensation Comic cover I've chosen for our page. I absolutely love old comic book covers, and will occasionally post some with the url of where I found the media upload. These in no way reflect any personal work I have done, nor do I take any credit for them. Many were done before I was born. So there.
This one was found at
Thank you. More posts to come soon.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Oi there! Not a post, sadly...
However, good news, for all four of you whom actually read this!
Attack! is updating it's format and other things to be viewed on your fancy electronic screens!
It should happen, erm, soonish?
Attack! is updating it's format and other things to be viewed on your fancy electronic screens!
It should happen, erm, soonish?
Friday, June 10, 2011
In defense of the E-Reader...
I understand my wonderful and amazing sister's hatred of such a device. It's an easy side to pick because reading a book is entirely an immersive experience, to whit the tactile sensation of page turning, or even the musty smell of an old volume complete a truly and remarkably joyous sensation. I understand the plight of the bibliophile, because at heart, I am one.
I am also however a humanitarian, and right now devices such as the Kindle make education a much stronger possibility for nearly every country on the planet, to include our own. I won't get into the statistics (unless you want me to) of the costs for text books, and how such industries react, but in truth a simple E-reader with text on demand documentation IS the answer to so many problems, to include lack of not just current textbooks, but text books in general in places such as American Indian reservations. It comes down to simple math: e-reader devices will save our future generations from illiteracy, and hopefully grant them the education and critical thinking skills to make strong decisions for the future, weather from the ability to now enter a trade school, or simply being able to read the Qur'an, and understand that the tribal warlord in front of you is not quoting scripture, but his own agenda, and to choose not to follow him.
This all goes without getting into the conversation of what it means for self-publishers, which allow the amazing art of literature to begin to spread in much the same way that the digital recording revolution has for musicians. Want to argue this point? Fine, throw away everything by Anathallo, The Dresden Dolls, The Paper Chase, The Decemberists, Minus The Bear, Aesop Rock, Deltron, and The Flobots as well as many, many other musicians and musical acts that simply would not exist as they do today without this medium becoming available to everyone in an electronic format. I honestly cannot wait to see what new and brilliant authors await our discovery now that /anyone/ can self-publish for virtually no cost.
That being said, when I win the lottery, I will still sit in my den wearing a smoking jacket surrounded by all my leather-bound first editions rubbing my hands together and cackling whilst drinking bourbon.
I am also however a humanitarian, and right now devices such as the Kindle make education a much stronger possibility for nearly every country on the planet, to include our own. I won't get into the statistics (unless you want me to) of the costs for text books, and how such industries react, but in truth a simple E-reader with text on demand documentation IS the answer to so many problems, to include lack of not just current textbooks, but text books in general in places such as American Indian reservations. It comes down to simple math: e-reader devices will save our future generations from illiteracy, and hopefully grant them the education and critical thinking skills to make strong decisions for the future, weather from the ability to now enter a trade school, or simply being able to read the Qur'an, and understand that the tribal warlord in front of you is not quoting scripture, but his own agenda, and to choose not to follow him.
This all goes without getting into the conversation of what it means for self-publishers, which allow the amazing art of literature to begin to spread in much the same way that the digital recording revolution has for musicians. Want to argue this point? Fine, throw away everything by Anathallo, The Dresden Dolls, The Paper Chase, The Decemberists, Minus The Bear, Aesop Rock, Deltron, and The Flobots as well as many, many other musicians and musical acts that simply would not exist as they do today without this medium becoming available to everyone in an electronic format. I honestly cannot wait to see what new and brilliant authors await our discovery now that /anyone/ can self-publish for virtually no cost.
That being said, when I win the lottery, I will still sit in my den wearing a smoking jacket surrounded by all my leather-bound first editions rubbing my hands together and cackling whilst drinking bourbon.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
internet advice (percentages) I:
Because I love you all, and you need to have a quick reference tool for these sorts of things.
Probably female, sexually secure but a little on the shy side. Possibly sweet-natured but with a tendency toward prudishness.
Safe zone. Male or female, good sense of humor and outgoing personality.
%25- 60
“Bro,” never female.
“Dominatrix,” never male.
Someone you want to get to know a little bit better, but never give your address to.
Not terribly interested in blogging at all.
Conscientious human being, probably a fairly cool person with a realistic personality and self-esteem.
Obnoxious asshole.
Typical person.
Vapid idiot.
Shallow, boring, possibly really tan.
Probably really likes sports.
Your dream girl, or dream boy, regardless of the books listed.
Fucking liar (librarians excluded).
Probably female, sexually secure but a little on the shy side. Possibly sweet-natured but with a tendency toward prudishness.
Safe zone. Male or female, good sense of humor and outgoing personality.
%25- 60
“Bro,” never female.
“Dominatrix,” never male.
Someone you want to get to know a little bit better, but never give your address to.
Not terribly interested in blogging at all.
Conscientious human being, probably a fairly cool person with a realistic personality and self-esteem.
Obnoxious asshole.
Typical person.
Vapid idiot.
Shallow, boring, possibly really tan.
Probably really likes sports.
Your dream girl, or dream boy, regardless of the books listed.
Fucking liar (librarians excluded).
Sunday, June 5, 2011
the kindle series:
So I'm about to take the next couple of weeks spending some time slandering Kindle, and it's not because Kindle killed books, but because people who use Kindles killed books.
This series has a tendency to upset small children or trendy hipsters, or a large percentage of awesome people I consider good friends. So I feel there's some need to explain exactly why I hate Kindle so much, and exactly why it is that no matter how awesome you tell me it is, and how bad publishing companies are, and how blah blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah Kindle is blah, I'll laugh in your face and say, sorry, it's just not for me. So here's why, or at least here is a haiku version of why.
When you looked at me
And held out Dostoyevsky
My heart was complete.
Anyway, if you disagree with me, that's okay. I don't mind. I have some pretty radical and largely unfair and unjustifiable opinions.
Just try and see the funny in them?
This series has a tendency to upset small children or trendy hipsters, or a large percentage of awesome people I consider good friends. So I feel there's some need to explain exactly why I hate Kindle so much, and exactly why it is that no matter how awesome you tell me it is, and how bad publishing companies are, and how blah blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah Kindle is blah, I'll laugh in your face and say, sorry, it's just not for me. So here's why, or at least here is a haiku version of why.
When you looked at me
And held out Dostoyevsky
My heart was complete.
Anyway, if you disagree with me, that's okay. I don't mind. I have some pretty radical and largely unfair and unjustifiable opinions.
Just try and see the funny in them?
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
texas I
My sister and I do not always agree on everything. Particular points of contention include, but are not limited to; pineapple, indefinite articles, the daily wear of Hawaiian T-Shirts, “toe shoes”, the use of “Plutoed” as a verb (I find it to be insensitive), artificial pineapple flavoring, carbine assault rifles, side burns, pineapple-shaped lawn ornaments, and of course the great state of Texas. As such I will attempt to come to its defense.
1. As far as I’m awares, it’s the only state in the Union with both alligators and buffalo.
2. Stevie Ray Vaughan.
3. It once had its own president, General Sam Houston. Even more impressive was his mustache.
4. It has its own battleship. That’s right, its own. Not the Navy’s, no sir. Texas’s.
5. Shiner Bock.
6. Sports! Texas has sports!
7. If you name your dog Texas (but pronounce it “Tejas”), women will find it adorable.
8. The coolest bumper sticker in the nation!
9. Tex-Mex, and the majority of those silly drinks you order on Mexican night.
10. Chuck Fucking Norris.
software I
I should point out that I'm writing this on a free, open-sourced piece of software refereed to as “OpenOffice”. While it's true that there are many valid free programs out there, such things are often creative and production based. They are designed and contributed to by scores of hardworking and good-willed men and women whom devote their time, for little, or more likely no, pay and/or recognition. (Unless you're a truly devotional Linux nerd.) Such applications exist for a variety of platforms, come from trusted sources, allow you to donate little (or no money) for downloading them, and generally speaking make life more affordable, and tolerable for those of us whom cannot afford to shell out 400 USD for a word-processor.
Having said that, these are the exception, and by far, not the rule. Many free programs are just demos of various time allowances, which force you to save in a format only usable by the parent program, which must be purchased at full price, and unless your savvy enough to do some quick file-conversion, cause you to loose your work if you do not acquiesce to their demands. Often times anti-malware programs simply protect you from their own products, or at best implement a couple of fixes you could resolve yourself by spending half an hour getting to know your operating system of choice. What's worse, is they run data collection in the background, send back information that you gave them access to by clicking through the end user license agreement without reading. (Even if you did, some of the clauses and terms are practically indecipherable.) On this subject, it is important to note two things: One, more and more frequently public organizations are demanding “plain English” condensed versions of legal terms to include important and significant information in bullet point format (this should, by all rights, include common E.U.L.A.s), and Two: Just because you agree to something with a click, does not make it legal for said company to violate your basic rights. As such, were more people willing to come forward and seek legal action against said companies doing the violation, such behavior might be stymied, at least a bit.
How did we get to this point? Simple: apathy and “loose” moral justification on what is, and is not, a product. (Specifically what deserves our money.) In other words, by seeking to NOT learn about the thousands of dolars of electronic equipment we've invested our money into, nor paying for a legitimate product developed by people whom spent very real money earning an education that allows them to create these things for you, we've opened ourselves to the mercy of anyone whom can make a quick buck on our lack of interest in these areas. These highly profitable areas. Proponents of mal-ware can do anything from selling your trackable information and habits to research and marketing groups, to outright stealing your identity, reputation, time, and money.
How do we move forward? By taking an hour or so from our “busy” schedules to learn about the products, services, and equipment we possess. By making a simple 5 USD donation to a sight such as Sun Microsystems's(tm) “Open Office” (after all, $5 is by far cheaper, and more reasonable that $400), and positive recognition of those whom work on our behalf. In all honesty, it's neither difficult, nor time consuming.
Having said that, I feel I should point out that I still downloaded the free version of “Angry Birds”.
shrondinger's pikachu
There are very few things on this Earth that are as frightening to myself as the prospect of an "undead" Pikachu.
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Ahh, the wonders of the oft-overlook benefits and research marketing firms are allowed to derive free from our willingly posted fears and paranoia. What’s that? I’m being sarcastic you say? Surely you jest; we’d never post anything online that wasn’t derived from complete truth and an utter desire for the positive development of our society.
On that note I feel it’s not only fascinating, but a thing to be congratulated that we can now keep track of our particular obsessions and insecurities! It’s fantastic that at the end of the week, when I go to visit my Psycho-Therapist (Psychoactive, as opposed to Psychopathic, I feel I should point out.) that empirical evidence of my ability to not function without the approval of social peers whom may or may not be involved in my immediate community, not to include the arbitrary electronic approval of my paramour are measured, cataloged, and recorded for the benefit of not only my counselor, but future generations of obsessive-sensationlist-junkie-technology-hip-overly-judgmental-twits. Indeed, I am reassured that the number of compliments I leave for my online lover are stored safely away in an electronic server with the best security possible, and seamlessly unlimited budget, as opposed to the results of local and national elections, to whit some (but not all) data is stored on aging Cobol-based-dinosaurs. (The upside is that you can run “snake” or “frogger” while attempting to ensure a lack of voter-fraud.) It seems that in the end just how cute I think various kitties are will be far more important to future historians.
faulkner I
On the up-side, Sinaed tells me that the vending machines in the English building are far cheaper than those in the Department of Sciences. That's a thing, right? But wait, there's more! I also learned from this comic that "As I Lay Dying" isn't just the name of an amazing Metal/Hardcore band- apparently, it's a book, also! I wonder if they ever made that into a movie...
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(click comic to see better with eyeballs)
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To those parties whom may be interested, we're currently seeking grant monies to correlate a second line depicting the frequency with which these posts are made while operating a motor vehicle.
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